Energy independence with solar energy
BOS proposed a solution which reduced the energy consumption and also added stability and reliability to the critical loads.
Orangutan Haven
Together with our partner Alva Energi, an off-grid system was conceptualized to meet the energy demands of the OUH islands.
Winter sports powered by solar energy
BOS has been implementing projects in tourism sector, helping hotels and resorts go solar, and save costs by reducing energy bills.
Energy for Africa – Rapid response programme against corona planned.
Together against COVID-19
People, Planet Profit – never before has our company slogan been as relevant as now, in times of COVID-19. Our core motivation in BOS is to help people live better lives, protecting the environment and strengthening economies at the same time.
And more than ever we want to do this with you, as partners, giving each other strength. Together we can get through this situation. And the best is: We can do this by helping others getting through it.
In BOS we keep up our work. We have developed the following action packages.
Refugee tents with power
To support the World Food Programme, we equipped refugee tents from Hallgruppen with our turnkey BOS solar storage solution.
Energy Storage in Honduras (DE)
Video: Solar power for Malawi health station
Join us on a trip to Malawi and see how a whole health station gets power with our HS Business 10 system. Thanks to our partners Differ and to UNDP to make this happen.
A German-Honduran consortium is revolutionizing the energy market in Honduras
Free FM radio interview with CEO Benjamin Seckinger
Profit is important for a company, but in order to move forward in a meaningful way, the aspects People and Planet must be taken into account and optimized equally.
Our CEO Benjamin Seckinger tells in a radio interview with Free FM how he wants to turn a business idea into a real sustainable change. Listen to the whole interview (the interview is in German) from the show “Lokaltermin” with radio presenter Lotte Stevens